Andre Francesco Santos - Allan // 4128

Saturday, 31 January 2015

Final editing review and use of props

Once I had all the clips collectively together, I imported them all together into Final Cut and began to organise my timeline of clips, I used my storyboard and rough idea to begin piecing together the shots in order and cropping them.
 To the left you can see some of the imported clips that I had from my camera, and other items such as the sound for the song. This is my Browser and although not even half of the clips I recorded got used, it was necessary in order to make sure that I had every angle possible, therefore most things I shot twice from separate and differing angles.

In my timeline on FCP, I had many different video layers, so I could arrange the shots in a more effective and organised way. The layer below the video timeline is the audio, there is only one external audio source from the clips which features at the beginning before the music starts in the video.

For the most part I just jump cuts, I desaturated all of the clips only slightly to conform better to the dark tone of the lyrics and story.


Nirvana Mug
Alarm Clock
Coffee Press
Dirty Plates
Strobe light
Blue Fairy Lights

I used various props, some for specific reasons such as the Nirvana mug for intertextuality, the phone to give further context into the story, along with the pad and paper to present to the audience the letter so they can understand the ending. Lights were used to present the characters in a specific light and to reflect their personalities using the connotations of the respective red and blue colours.

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